acZoomIn uses intensively the plugins to extend its functionalities.
They are divided into several groups:
- Visualization tools (AVO)
- Regions of interest (ROI)
- Datasets (DTS)
- Mathematical Expressions (EXM)
- Colormaps (CLM)
- Data Export (EXI)
Visualization tools (AVO)
They make it possible to define the way how the scalar, vector or other types of data will be visualized.
Basic visualization tools are provided with acZoomIn, including amongst other things:
- ziArrows (scalar, vector): vector in the form of arrow, colored by the value of the scalar.
- ziCuttingPlane (scalar): scalar field in form of plane, colored by the value of the scalars.
- ziIsolines (scalar): geometrical locus of the same value of scalar field in the form of lines, colored by the value of the scalars.
- ziIsosurface (scalar): geometrical locus of the same value of scalar field in the form of surfaces, colored by the value of the scalars.
- ziProbe (scalar, vector): data flow (speed, acceleration, convergence, divergence) through a regrouping of graphical objects.
- ziTexturedVectorField (vector): vectors in the form of texture in a plane.
The majority of the visualization tools uses the regions of interest, the colormaps as well as the mathematical expressions as parameter on the data.
Regions of interest (ROI)
They allow to delimit data to visualize. Every visualization tool gives a list of regions of interest that can accept as parameter.
Basic regions of interest are provided, including amongst other things:
- ziPoint (point).
- ziLine (line).
- ziOrthogonalPlane (orthogonal plan according to x, y or z axis).
- ziBox (box).
- ziSphere (sphere).
Datasets (DTS)
They allow to load in acZoomIn the data to visualize.
Basic datasets are provided, including amongst other things:
- ziTabularDataset : allow to load data given by the tabular format (x,y, etc.).
- ziGridDataset : allow to load data arranged by a grid.
- ziPGCMDataset: allow to load data given by the PGCM format.
Mathematical expressions (EXM)
Those are used by some visualization tools like by some colormaps. Mathematical functions of most current (more than 50) are incorporated, including amongst other things:
- Analysis and scalar trigonometry: abs, power, cos, sin, tan, etc.
- Scalar geometry: normalization, scalar product, component of vector, etc.
- Vector geometry: standardization, multiplication of vector by a scalar, etc.
- Conditional expression: if... then... else.
Colormaps (CLM)
Those are used by the visualization tool to color the data to be visualized. They propose 16 million of colors. Basic colormaps are provided, including amongst other things:
- Bilinear: color gradation limited by two colors.
- Multilinear: set of color gradations limited by two colors.
- Personalized: depends of conditional expressions.
Data export (EXI)
Basic export formats of images or animations are provided, including amongst other things :
- BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.
- AVI, GIF Anim.